St andrews mathematics history
St andrews mathematics history and science
History of math...
We would like to use some of your pictures in a book, a Web-site, ...
We do not own the copyright to most of the images used on this website and we don't mind what you do with them.
We believe that most of the images are in the public domain and that provided you use them on a website you are unlikely to encounter any difficulty.
However, if you wish to use them in any other way -- in "paper" publishing or on a CD for example -- we cannot guarantee that there may not be outstanding copyright problems.
A statement to this effect is linked to all the pages which show the pictures.
St andrews mathematics history
We would like a copy of one of your pictures at a higher resolution
We have acquired the pictures on our site from a variety of sources: books, journals, web-sites, walls of various Maths buildings around the world, ...
and I am afraid that we have not kept a record of where we got them and have not kept any higher resolution copies than the ones we show on our pages.
These are (mo