Sydney schanberg on john mccains first wife

  • Sydney schanberg on john mccains first wife
  • Carol mccain photo...

    Trump’s executive orders can make change – but are limited and can be undone by the courts

    McCain came home a hero, but has made a mockery of those who didn’t.

    I have long been puzzled by the troubled relationship that John McCain, a war hero by virtue of his five-and-a-half year incarceration in a North Vietnamese POW camp, has had with veterans in general and Vietnam veterans in particular.

    The friction has typically been over medical benefits and expanding the GI Bill, but McCain also has a dirty little secret when it comes to his fellow Vietnam era POWs and MIAs.

    While he has resorted to bullying journalists by playing the POW Card for years and not just in this presidential election year, his efforts to help the Pentagon hide important information about POWs who arguably were abandoned is shameful.

    Well, the lid is about to be blown off of that secret.

    Veteran journalist and Southeast Asia hand Sydney Schanberg, author of The Killing Fields, has wri