Anurag academy homi bhabha biography

  • Anurag academy homi bhabha biography
  • Anurag academy homi bhabha biography in hindi

    Meghnad saha.

    About Us

    The journey of Anurag Academy started when one of my kids was in 3rd and the other in 6th std. in 1997. I could see the pain and boredom of learning process.

    I thought of making the learning process enjoyable.

    So, 12 years back I started "Anurag Academy", simply to make learning process interesting and exciting.

    With complete support of my father, Late.

    Anurag academy homi bhabha biography

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  • Anurag academy homi bhabha biography in hindi
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  • Shri.S.S.Supe, who was a great science teacher himself. I started with science workshops in vacation.

    We tried to include every possible practical, project, experiment which can add knowledge, curiousness and excitement in the learning process.

    We have a fully equipped science laboratories which include microscope, telescope, teaching in projector, working models, teaching aids, chemistry and biology lab, different plants collection, stone metal, grain collection, preserved animal and plant collections, power generation room which include solar fan, motor, home solar cooker, solar water heater, hydal power station, steam