Karl landsteiner biography summary of winston
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Landsteiner, Karl
(b. Vienna, Austria, or Baden [near Vienna], Austria, 14 June 1868; d. New York, N.Y., 26 June 1943)
medicine, serology, immunology.
Landsteiner, who has been called the father of immunology, was the only son of Leopold Landsteiner, a well—known journalist and newspaper publisher, and Fanny Hess Landsteiner.
He began his medical studies in 1885 and received his M.D. in 1891.
Karl landsteiner biography summary of winston
In 1916 he married Helene Wlasto; their only child, Ernst Karl, was born the following year. Poor working conditions caused him to leave Vienna in 1919; but facilities in The Hague, where he was prosector at the RK Hospital for three years, were no better.
He therefore accepted an offer from the Rockfeller Institute in New York, and went to the United States in 1922; he became an Ameridcan citizen in 1929. Landsteiner was a modest, self—critical, rather timid man of science known for his wide reading.
He was also an excellent pianist.
Although he had an M.D., Landsteiner’s first scie