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    Stafford mays microsoft account

  • Autobiography
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  • Stafford mays microsoft account log
  • Microsoft
  • Stafford mays microsoft account manager
  • Meet the Board

    As a longtime Seattleite who loves being active outdoors, Elise is proud to serve as a Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioner representing District 4. She and her family consider the Ravenna-Cowen Park corridor an extension of their backyard, and they regularly visit other parks, playfiends, swimming pools, and trail networks throughout NE Seattle and the broader City.

    Elise is committed to supporting efforts that will make our public spaces safer and more vibrant, and she believes this is achievable through open dialogue, an integrated approach, and a focus on measurable impact.

    Elise brings relevant strategy, planning, and stakeholder engagement experience to the table as a marketing and communications leader with a passion for tech innovation and environmental sustainability.

    She’s currently the Head of Marketing at Collaboration.Ai, a software and services startup aimed at unleashing the full potential of human connections to solve the world’s h