Jim thorpe born

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    Jim Thorpe

    James Francis Thorpe (May 28, – March 28, ) was a Native American athlete, known for his extraordinary athletics in track, football, and baseball.

    Thorpe was born in Oklahoma as a member of the Native American tribe; Sac and Fox (Sa ki wa ki[4]). He played football, baseball, lacrosse, ran track and competed in six other sports at Carlisle Indian School in Pennsylvania.

    Those other sports included hockey, handball, tennis, boxing, and ballroom dancing. While at Carlisle, Thorpe's team was one of the best in the country, and beat an Army team that had Dwight Eisenhower.

    What year was jim thorpe born

    Thorpe won gold medals in the pentathlon (five track and field events in one day) and decathlon (ten events in two days) at the Summer Olympics. After the decathlon, the King of Sweden called him the greatest athlete alive.

    His medals were taken away because he had played professional baseball, but were returned in , long after his death.[5] The Carlisle School, while being successf