Kaleo o kalani biography of albert

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    Kaleo o kalani biography of albert

  • Kaleo o kalani biography of albert
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  • Kaleo o kalani biography of albert einstein
  • Kaleo o kalani biography of albert bandura
  • Kaleo o kalani members
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  • By Malani Bilyeu (Quiet Storm)

    MALANI Bilyeu's third religious album is his best yet. It's the front-runner for Hoku honors in 1998. He didn't write all the songs this time, but one of his originals, "Saved By The Power," is excellent.

    It's catchy, simply taken as a song -- and a perfect testament of Christian faith.

    Bilyeu's interest in rural Anglo-American musical traditions goes back at least 20 years to "Girl," which he wrote for Kalapana III. He explores those traditions with some songs here but doesn't plagiarize them.

    Kaleo o kalani biography of albert einstein

    He uses modern electronics with equal skill. Local Christian recordings don't come better than this!

    Rachel Asebido (kok Records)

    RACHEL Asebido has been a member of Kaleo O Kalani for years but this 1988 release presented her as a solo artist while she and KOK were part of Ken Kahanu Post's Kahanu Records.

    The other KOK members played on the album; in material and style it's KOK's usual excessive use of synthetic substitutes for live instruments.
