Oliver sacks quotes on disability
Oliver sacks.
Story of a Blind Man Who Could See
The story is by Oliver Sacks and he discusses the story of a blind man whom has been blind for forty-five years before the doctors were able to perform a miraculous surgery on him to allow him to see again.
Oliver sacks quotes on disability
The remarkable part of the story is that the outcome was not the storybook ending where the man can see and everything makes perfect sense to him. (Once I began writing this, I began to remember a movie with a similar theme).
The outcome is that the man is so overcome by the stimulus that he cannot make any sense of the new world that is being inputted into his brain.
He cannot connect that the different parts of what he is seeing, and overall each new visual presents something new and distinct. For example, the front of my face is going to be much different from a side view of my face. Without prior context or knowledge of how 3d shapes will change each view will be completely different for the newly seeing person.
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